20 January 2010

Keeping On

Last week, in shock over the devastation in Haiti, I decided to donate 100% of the proceeds from my Etsy shop to the nonprofit Partners in Health. I am happy to say that to date, sales in the shop have raised $194.28.

I was uncertain how much to post last week (and still am), but do want to say that after teaching in a wonderful Haitian community in Massachusetts for several years, this is a cause very near and dear to my heart. I taught writing, and many of my students would compose powerful memoirs about the violence and despair in Haiti. This was before the quake. I can't even imagine what their families are experiencing now. Like many of you, I desperately want to do something, anything, and since I am on maternity leave (our daughter was born in early December), reaching out through the craft community was simply the best way for me to be involved at this time.

I want to thank those who have already purchased from the shop, and also remind all of you that I will continue to donate proceeds until I run out of items. I will also be participating in a silent auction on the Indie Fixx site and plan to donate some items to Craft Hope.

We are all sending hope, in one form or another.

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